What is an R&D Tax Loan?
When submitting an R&D Tax claim to HMRC, claimants are at the mercy of HMRC’s processing times. Springboard Finance’s R&D Tax Loan solution bridges this time gap and the cashflow uncertainty by offering businesses a simple solution to free up working capital & access funding based on the R&D Tax Relief claim(s) submitted to HMRC.

Why should you apply for an R&D Tax Loan?
Cashflow is at the heart of every business. Delays, however, are increasingly more common within the UK R&D tax industry, sometimes taking months before the R&D benefit is received. Through our R&D Tax Loan facility, you are able to expedite your company’s benefit, receiving it in days rather than weeks or months after submission.

Get In Touch
Springboard Finance’s team are experts in helping clients get the funding they deserve. If you would like to find out more, then please get in touch and one of our experts can assist.